BIM software for civil engineering

Introducing and using BIM more efficiently in civil engineering

By using the BIM methodology in civil engineering, you link the structural design with the detailed model. This creates a structural model for formwork and positioning plans, concrete reinforcement, steel construction workflows and structural analysis, among other things.

Autodesk Revit can be used to optimize workflows in civil engineering, e.g. formwork and reinforcement planning, planning of steel structures or planning documentation. Carry out static pre-dimensioning conveniently. Create the physical model in Revit and export the analytical structural analysis model to structural analysis solutions.

How structural engineers benefit from the BIM methodology

Vorteil BIM

As a civil engineer, you use the architect’s data directly in the BIM model and start working on the formwork and reinforcement at the same time as the execution planning. As you ideally use the same parametric building modeling environment with Revit as the architect, there is no need for time-consuming re-entry of project data. This means you benefit immediately from a correct and up-to-date database. You can derive the formwork and reinforcement directly from the edges of the BIM building model. Coordination errors between building geometry and formwork and reinforcement are practically eliminated. Changes to the architectural planning are easily updated.

Unsere Services für den Ingenieurbau im Überblick

Ihre Berater & Begleiter für erfolgreiche Tragwerksplanung

auxalia bietet Ihnen als Tragwerksplaner:in ein umfassendes Beratungs-, Seminar- und Technologie-Portfolio, mit dem Sie Ihre Arbeitsprozesse effizienter gestalten. Wir vermitteln Ihnen in Online- Schulungen und Präsenzseminaren praxisnahes Wissen. Einsteiger, Fortgeschrittene und Profis profitieren in ihren jeweiligen Rollen (BIM-Manager, BIM-Koordinator, BIM-Autor, BIM-Nutzer) von gezielter BIM-Weiterbildung und BIM-Bausteinen, auch zur BIM-Zertifizierung. Im Alltag sorgen wir durch technischen Support und kompetente Projektunterstützung für produktiveres Arbeiten.

Individuelle Beratung

Alles beginnt in der Regel mit einem Discovery Workshop. Hier geht es um Ihre Prozesse, Herausforderungen und Ziele. Für den Auf- und Ausbau Ihrer BIM-Organisation dient unser BIMfit Konzept. Dies ist keine standardisierte Lösung, sondern ein mehrstufiges Konzept, das Ihrem Digitalisierungslevel und Wissensstand individuell angepasst wird.

Seminare und Schulungen

Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene können hier grundlegendes Know-how rund um Autodesk Software für Ingenieure und BIM erwerben und gezielt erweitern. Wir stellen Ihnen für Ihre Online-Seminare eine virtuelle Workstation (Virtual Classrooms) mit der erforderlichen Software und Lizenz kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Damit sind unsere Online-Schulungen auch nachhaltiger, denn sie reduzieren Ihnen nicht nur Reisezeiten und Kosten, sondern auch den CO2-Ausstoß bei den Reisen.

Customer Success

Bei auxalia steht Ihr Erfolg im Mittelpunkt. Unser Customer Success Team, bestehend aus Sales und Consulting, begleitet Sie zu außergewöhnlichen Leistungen. Durch maßgeschneiderte Lösungen sowie Investitionen in fortschrittliche Technologien und Methoden wandeln wir Ihre Herausforderungen in Chancen um. Unser umfassendes Angebot reicht bis zu technischen Analyse Workshops und einer fortlaufenden Betreuung. Wir passen alles stets an Ihre Bedürfnisse an, um echte Ergebnisse zu liefern, die Ihr Geschäft deutlich voranbringen.

Technischer Support

Die beruflichen Wurzeln der Support-Mitarbeiter liegen im Ingenieurbau. Aus diesem Grund sprechen Ihre Ansprechpartner im Support Ihre Sprache und können Ihnen schnell und unkompliziert zur Anwendung der Autodesk und auxalia Software helfen.

Kompetente Projektbegleitung

Unsere Experten helfen Ihnen bei laufenden Projekten dabei, Schwachstellen in der Planung frühzeitig aufzudecken, BIM-spezifische Arbeitsweisen im Projektteam zu etablieren, Projektfortschritte zuverlässig zu kontrollieren sowie die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation mit internen und externen Projektbeteiligten zu verbessern.

Software-Installation und Lizenz-Management

Unsere erfahrenen Techniker unterstützen Sie gerne bei der Installation und Konfiguration Ihrer Softwarelösungen sowie bei der Verwaltung Ihrer Lizenzen. So können Sie vom ersten Tag an produktiv mit Ihrer neuen Software arbeiten und behalten den Überblick über sämtliche Lizenzen.

Customized software for civil engineering and BIM

Whether Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Construction Cloud or AEC Collection. We will find the optimal software for your engineering office. We also supplement Autodesk standard solutions with our own developments, which can be used to make day-to-day planning work even more efficient.

Autodesk Basis

  • Autodesk Revit
    BIM software for architecture, building technology, civil engineering and construction
  • Autodesk AEC Collection
    All important software and cloud solutions for the construction industry in one package

auxalia Erweiterungen

  • Revit ParameterTool
    Tool for easy enrichment of component parameters in a Revit building model
  • Revit OpeningsTransfer
    Efficient and safe slot and breakthrough planning


  • Autodesk Construction Cloud
    All Autodesk cloud solutions for BIM-compliant project coordination and cross-trade collaboration

Overview of training courses for civil engineers

In order to take into account the different roles and your current level of knowledge, we have developed a flexible
training concept with basic and advanced seminars. If required, we can work with you to design individual training concepts for your specific requirements.

Examples: Your individual path to knowledge

There is no standardized way to meet your individual knowledge requirements. That’s why we work with you to develop your specific path to knowledge. Here are a few examples:


  • You are a planner and would like to use BIM in structural engineering. After attending a basic/basic seminar for your specific area of Revit for civil engineering (bridge construction), you will have a global overview. You will also be able to plan in 3D using the model-oriented BIM working method and create corresponding plans.
  • After some time, you would like to deepen your Revit knowledge and create your own components in the future. To do this, you attend a Revit family creation seminar for civil engineering (bridge construction)
  • You are now an experienced Revit user. You would like to gain further qualifications in BIM and document this for your planning partners. That’s why you attend the BIMfit seminar: BIM basics, which you complete with an official certificate.
  • During your training, we will provide you with comprehensive support for all aspects of using your BIM software. We will also advise and support you in challenging BIM projects if required.


  • As a civil engineer, you are an experienced Revit user and would like to gain further qualifications in BIM and document this for your planning partners. Therefore, attend the BIMfit seminar: BIM basic knowledge, which you will complete with an official certificate.
  • The openBIM with IFC seminar is the right course to help you master data exchange using IFC in BIM projects.
  • As you will also be entrusted with the coordination of your BIM projects, attend the BIMfit seminar: BIM coordinators.
  • During your training, we will provide you with comprehensive support for all aspects of using your BIM software. We will also advise and support you in challenging BIM projects if required.

Cloud - Communication

  • To take full advantage of the possibilities and benefits of the BIM way of working, you will be trained in other technologies that will enable you to optimize project coordination and interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • They attend the Autodesk Docs seminar for central document management
  • For BIM coordination and collaboration with internal and external Revit planners, the BIM Collaborate seminar is the right addition.
  • During your training, we will provide you with comprehensive support for all aspects of using your BIM software. We will also advise and support you in challenging BIM projects if required.

Revit in education

Reference report: Rapperswill University of Applied Sciences

“I would like to thank you for the creation of the three shafts and the super support from your team. I have saved the data in our Revit tutorial folder. The manholes will now be used in landscape architecture and civil engineering lessons.”

Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil Prof. Peter Petschek

News about civil engineering

Consulting / Support Denis Neuhaus

BIM Consultant

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